Friday, June 29, 2007

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IBM Announces Blue Gene Next

IBM has announced its newest supercomputer, 'Blue Gene/P', successor to its Blue Gene/L। IBM claims 'Blue Gene/P' almost triples the peformance of its predecessor, while remaining the most energy-efficient and space-saving package ever built.

The super new system is engineered to operate at speeds exceeding 1 petaflop operations per second, IBM said. The 'Blue Gene/P' design comprises several low-power chips, connected together by five specialized networks. The supercomputer is described by IBM as a 294,912-processor, 72-rack system harnessed to a high-speed, optical -- not InfiniBand -- network, with a new SMP mode that supports multi-threaded applications। Later this year, the first 'Blue Gene/P' will be deployed by the US Dept of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory। Meanwhile, IBM has found a competitor in Sun Microsystems, which has also announced its 'Constellation' supercomputer। Sun claims 'Constellation' has surpassed the 1 petaflop mark. 'Constellation' comes with a memory of 52.6TB with 105TB RAM, backed-up by a disk space of 1.73PB. The supercomputer would need 3 megawatts of power to run, and a standard rack that holds 768 cores. The first 'Constellation' machine named 'Ranger' will be installed at the University of Texas at Austin, and will run at 500 teraflops


It's Up To Users To Solve The IPhone's Shortcomings -- Hackers Start Your Engines

Here at Compiler, we aren’t all that interested in Gadgets (that would be Gadget Lab). Rather, we like software, and what we really like are software hacks.
Our interest in the device is primarily to see what people can do with it by using it in ways Apple never intended. Cupertino is famous (or notorious depending on your perspective) for leaving a back door if not open, at least unlocked. For instance, there's no way to take songs off your iPod using iTunes, however dozens of third party apps can handily accomplish that task. Or take the AppleTV, which has been hacked to support externals hard drives, watching Joost for internet TV and more.
On Thursday, David Pogue of The New York Times posted an article that has a sort of FAQ of iPhone features which, along with the usual good stuff, lists some fairly serious limitations. Then there’s the small matter of the iPhone only working on AT&T’s craptastic network (I currently use the network and trust me, it sucks). No doubt unlocking the iPhone is the holy grail of hacks. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely.
Tell us what you think will end up being hacked on the iPhone by submitting your ideas below.